Dark electronic band Inva//id from Los Angeles recently debuted a music video for their track “Snow”. Let’s take a look-see at what they have to offer.
The song starts with guitars, and just gets more intense from there with its dark beats and vocals that are both shouty yet quiet at times. This is the kind of song that makes you want to bring out the stomping boot as you march to the beat. As far as the video is concerned, I will start with a flash/strobe warning, so if you are sensitive to that stuff just be aware of it. It shows distorted images of the band performing with some great visual effects added in. If you are a fan of dark electro/industrial like I am, then you will definitely love this one.
The single is currently available here if you want to stream it or add it to your playlist.
You can check out more from Inva//id via Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram.