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First Angel Media


An Interview with Kristof Bathory & Dawn of Ashes @ Lovedrafts

You ever have those moments where you go to an event or concert, and you can just feel the magic in the air? It’s like you know deep inside what you are about to experience is going to be awesome, possibly even life-changing? That is exactly how I felt the moment I walked into the…

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Psyclon Nine’s Nero Talks “Money and Sex and Death”

On Thursday, June 16th, myself and other members of the First Angel Media staff took a journey to Lovedraft’s Brewing Company in Mechanicsburg, PA to check out Psyclon Nine during their Road to Hell Tour. To say it was amazing would be an understatement to describe the evening ahead. Let me talk a little about…

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Music Talks with Local Singer Allison Borek

Music Talks’ guest performer for this particular episode was local singer Allison Borek. Music Talks is a local access television show on Armstrong Cable produced by Rick Fike and hosted by Chelsea Ritenour.  We teamed up with Music Talks last year in an effort to give local music as much exposure as possible. Each guest…

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Behind the Scene: An Interview with Patrick McElravy of Brutal Business Ent.

The music industry is a lot more than just rowdy bands playing their hearts out and swilling cheap beer at their local music venues. Despite the glamour associated with the “live fast, go to work hungover tomorrow” attitude of many in the underground, many people are behind the scenes making sure there are events to…

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Music Talks with Pop Music Singer Brad Abbott

Music Talks’ guest performer for this particular episode was local Westmoreland County pop music singer Brad Abbott. Music Talks, a local access television show on Armstrong Cable produced by Rick Fike and hosted by Chelsea Ritenour. Brad Abbott has been on the local western PA music scene for roughly ten years. I’ve had the opportunity to…

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Brutal Winter 2020 Charity Stream

This past weekend we took time to attend an awesome charity event with Demo Demon of Brutal Business Entertainment for a 24 hour gaming stream event to help Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through Extra Life. Lots of BBE artists and models came together to raise money for our local hospitals, as well as several close…

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“Black and Grey” – An Interview with Brazilian Metal Band, StormSons

Metal music in Brazil may not be the first thought for metalheads, but the Brazilian metal band, StormSons is working to rock a storm around the world, starting with their latest release “Black and Grey”. The band takes influences from southern and stoner metal. Their sound is raw and heavy with hits of harmonic melodies…

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Cruisin’ Limousine Beach With Dave Wheeler!

Yes, he’s at it again. Those who savored Dave Wheeler’s delectable licks in his former band, Carousel, a Pittsburgh act that remains one my personal local favorites ever, have an obvious reason to get excited over his new project, Limousine Beach. Think of the inaugural EP (part of a series of “concept” pieces) as the…

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An Interview with Miss Freddye

I was fortunate enough to chat with Blues Diva, Miss Freddye, who was the 2018 Blues Foundation Double Nominee for Best Emerging Artist and the Koko Taylor Award (Traditional Blues Female). Miss Freddye, tell us how you got your start, and why you wanted to sing the blues. I started singing at a young age…

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Skies of Terra “Lunar”

Post-hardcore kids Skies of Terra have begun to make their impression on the scene here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania this past year. With an emotionally charged and diverse sound via their album Lunar, there’s a reason the name Skies of Terra has begun making its way around the City of Steel. The most notable thing about…

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