First angel media
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First Angel Media


About the Author
Jana Lee Macheca (aka Lady Jaye) is the owner and editor of First Angel Media as well as professional photographer and writer. Having worked in national and local levels of music media her goal is to provide professional coverage for bands of all levels.


If you haven’t heard Skell…you will. This is a band that has made a name for themselves through dedication, perseverance, and an unrelenting will to continue. They understand that this business is difficult but they have passed through tragedy and came out stronger on many levels. Their blend of classic metal with a modern twist…

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The Harvest Colour

Picture it….March, 2016…I was a young woman of 38…..OK, all channeling of my inner Golden Girl aside – that’s where I have to begin with this band. I have to admit, I’ve been chasing this feature for a while now. On my personal page there are often jokes of my being a “Fangirl” of one…

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Random….That’s my reoccurring thought when I think of OVERMYDEADBODY – just random. How else can I explain it? I went to see a band stopping by on a national tour, it was a show I had promoted and was VIP’d into. So much talent that night and so many friends made but right before I…

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